Sunday, May 2, 2010

2 on 1!!!: Manu Ntoh and Eddie Saban vs Namkabuan Nongkeepayahut (video)

In this fight, we get to see Namkabuan fight both Manu and Eddie as a tag team. Manu fights the first 3 rounds, and then Eddie jumps in fresh to finish off the last 2.

Watch 1:

Watch 2:

Manu Ntoh and Eddie Saban

Namkabuan is one of my favourite fighters. He's no stranger to fighting larger opponents (he fought a war against the legendary Sakmongkol in his prime, giving up a fair amount of weight).

As such I like watching him because he adapts and uses the ring according to who he fights, whether he is trading with a regular rival or counter fighting a bigger foe.

Manu is fairly well known, and Eddie went on to build a name for himself. Although these guys definitely looked a lot larger that Namkabuan, they seemed to be a lot less experienced at this point in I guess there's the trade off.

If I'm not mistaken, Songchai promotions were staging these 2 on 1 fights for fighters that were particularly dominant in Thailand. Months before this fight, Namkabuan's friendly rival, Nuaranthoranee, also fought against the Manu and Eddie tag team but lost.

The most recent 2 on 1 fight was Saenchai vs Nong O and Sagetdao, I believe.

Seems like the tag team doesn't get much out of it though...if they lose, it looks bad...if they win, it's not the sweetest victory. Oh well.

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